Reina Tethas

The perspective character of the ‘Insight’ stories. A private detective who utilizes her special ability to solve murders, as well as investigates occurrences that are considered ‘strange’ and ‘paranormal’ even in a world as dangerous and magical as Solbalim.
Reina Tethas


One of the perspective characters in the ‘A Witch’ stories. A Witch Called Hushpuppy is a traveling merchant and a self-described evil Witch who specializes in Threshold Magic. An apex predator who mostly wants people to stop bothering her and buy her goods.

Amber Isolde

The Vanity half of the Silence & Vanity stories. She is a Hand of the Drax known as Isolde, often sent out on either Cataloguing missions or rare/malignant book hunts. Despite being of highly valued and noble blood, she is a ruthless and brutal warrior that few Humans can stand against.



The Silence half of the Silence & Vanity stories. Iris is a contract killer who has gotten embroiled in Sventholmic life after failing to assassinate Amber Isolde. She is an incredibly skilled assassin, but not much of a warrior… but she’s working on it.



One of the main perspective characters in the Witch stories. A Chore Girl Called Nova is responsible for cooking, cleaning, shopping, and watching the front desk of Hushpuppy’s Traveling House of Strange and Wonderful and Terrible and Useful Goods. etc etc etc

Nova’s second appearance in “A Witch Hunter’s Daughter”